Project Partners
The Clydebank Can project partners include Community Links Scotland, Y Sort It, Awestruck Academy, Clydebank Housing Association and West Dunbartonshire Council.
The partners have been working together since the completion of the Clydebank Can Your Place Your Plan report to discuss individual activities, prevention of overlapping and duplication, funding priorities and consideration of how best to take forward the Locality Place Plan for central Clydebank and the canal area. The Locality Place Plan was developed through the Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) which sets out the outcomes the Community Planning Partnership will prioritise.
Community engagement and participation is essential for successful development of our community - so please get involved!
Community Links Scotland
Based in Clydebank, Community Links Scotland provides a regeneration consultancy service for a wide variety of registered social landlords and not-for-profit community organisations throughout Scotland. They are supporting the delivery of the Clydebank Can project and will establish a Community Development Trust to facilitate the ongoing development of services, activities, and organisations in Clydebank.
Y Sort It
Y Sort It is a youth service which has been running for 20 years. Based in the Hub Community Centre on Kilbowie Road, they deliver a range of activities and services for young people aged 8 to 25. These include a mentoring service, outreach, street-bike and a range of courses and workshops ranging from photography to gardening and much more. Find out more at ysortit.com or follow them on Facebook @YSortIt
Clydebank Housing Association
Clydebank Housing Association is a social housing provider which has operated in Clydebank for 34 years. They provide over 1,000 homes and also run Centre81, a community centre in Whitecrook which provides a gym, community garden and sport and leisure activities. Find out more at: Clydebank Housing Association or follow them on Facebook @Centre81Clydebank
Scottish Canals
Scottish Canals is a standalone public body responsible for looking after the Scottish canals, conserving them as part of our heritage, and transforming them to play a vital role in Scotland today. They are supporting the Clydebank Can on the Canal development project which will transform an area of Queen’s Square into a high-quality community building for kayakers, canal lovers, social enterprises and the public.
West Dunbartonshire Council
West Dunbartonshire Council (WDC) is a key member of the Community Planning Partnership. WDC secured funding from the Scottish Government Regeneration Fund for the development project, Clydebank Can on the Canal, which will bring more arts and leisure to Clydebank by enabling local social enterprises to deliver more activities for local people, through the development of a community owned multi-purpose space.