What’s On
Find out what’s on and get involved!
We appreciate how important it is to meet and socialise with people from your local community.
Take a look at our directory below to find out what local groups are offering both in-person and online.
If you are a local organisation and would like to advertise your activities, please contact us.
Click on the categories to find groups that are relevant to your search:
Whilst we make every effort to advertise local groups, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of third party information.
Please check with the group organiser for up to date information.
Youth Restorative Justice Service
Youth Restorative Justice Services use restorative principles to address behaviour in a way which empowers the people harmed, those responsible and the wider community members in order to resolve issues in a constructive way.
Preventing Abuse in Relationships (PAIR)
Delivered by SACRO, PAIR is a group work programme designed to promote equality, safety and respect within intimate relationships and to support desistance from harmful behaviour among men convicted of a domestic abuse related offence.
ISARO runs a Drop-in service providing information, guidance and support on matters such as learning, employment, citizenship, civic engagement, health, housing, and many more.
Richmond Fellowship
Housing support and care at home, specialising in mental health, alcohol related brain damage and forensic support.
Centre 81 Gym and Community Centre
Run by Clydebank Housing Association, this community centre aims to improve the physical and mental health of residents through a range of innovative and exciting programmes.
Alcoholics Anonymous
11 meetings throughout the week in Clydebank, plus one in Bowling and also Duntocher.
Gamblers Anonymous
Currently meeting online, this might go back to in-person meetings at Rodnor Park Church.
Cocaine Anonymous
Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other, so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction. Meets Tuesday evenings at 7.45pm at Radnor Park Church.
Inclusive Images
We are a social enterprise whose aim is to give groups/individuals who for whatever reason feel left out, a voice using participatory photography techniques.
Dumbarton Area Council on Alcohol (DACA)
We’re the community alcohol service for West Dunbartonshire, and we support anyone affected by their own or a loved one’s drinking.