What’s On
Find out what’s on and get involved!
We appreciate how important it is to meet and socialise with people from your local community.
Take a look at our directory below to find out what local groups are offering both in-person and online.
If you are a local organisation and would like to advertise your activities, please contact us.
Click on the categories to find groups that are relevant to your search:
Whilst we make every effort to advertise local groups, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of third party information.
Please check with the group organiser for up to date information.
Line Dancing
Line Dancing with Willien Brown, Duntocher Church at 7.30pm on Mondays. Contact Willie for up to date information.
Alcoholics Anonymous
11 meetings throughout the week in Clydebank, plus one in Bowling and also Duntocher.
Gamblers Anonymous
Currently meeting online, this might go back to in-person meetings at Rodnor Park Church.
Radnor Park Out of School Care
For school-age children, they offer your child a safe, stimulating place in which to play or take part in activates before and after school.
Cocaine Anonymous
Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other, so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction. Meets Tuesday evenings at 7.45pm at Radnor Park Church.
Galic Football Glasgow Gaels
Glasgow Gaels offer Gaelic Football for Mens, Ladies & Youth. All three sections of the club are flourishing and thriving, as you might expect from a club with several hundred members.
Bookbug Sessions Online
Usually held at Clydebank Library on Wednesdays, we are currently running online Bookbug sessions every Wednesday at 10.00am and a bedtime session every Tuesday at 6.00pm using the Google Meet chat room platform.
Western Titans BMX Club
We are a small friendly club for children and adults based at the Clydebank BMX track on Onslow Road. During the summer months we train on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 18:30 to 20:30.
Clydebank Rugby Club
Established in 1969 we promote the great game of Rugby Union in Clydebank and the surrounding area. We believe in Leadership, Engagement, Achievement, Enjoyment & Respect. #Red&BlackAttack
Café Morison
Cafe Morison is an UK-wide recognised "lunchroom" based at Morison Church. The cafe is supported by a very friendly staff and offers high quality lunch at affordable prices to the community. Open Thursdays 11.45am to 1.30pm.
Action for Children
Our Family Support Volunteers service is suited to the local community, providing the best place to help families flourish.
Arty Types
Arty Types is a weekly activity for pre-school children involving a short story and crafts. Activity runs on Thursdays from 10am - 10:45am and admission is free.
Carers of West Dunbartonshire
We are an independent, voluntary organisation, dedicated to providing advice and support to unpaid carers in West Dunbartonshire. Based in Clydebank, we have a team of Support Workers who will visit carers at home, or here in our offices, to provide a range of support including emotional support, advice and information, short breaks and respite, group activities, accessing benefits, emergency planning, carer advocacy, hospital discharges and much more.
Drumchapel and Clydebank Kayak Club
The club caters for canoeing and kayaking and has a range of sea kayaks, river / play boats, pool boats and canoes suitable for adults and children.
Pheonix Dog Training Club
Clydebank dog training, obedience training,puppy classes. We meet on monday nights at skypoint in faifley, Clydebank.
West Dunbartonshire Food Share
Drop-in sessions for food parcels are available on Fridays from 1pm to 2.30pm at the Hub Community Centre on Kilbowie Road, no referrals needed.
Waterfront Parish Church
We host a range of activities for all ages including tea bar, social activities, children’s youth activities, craft group, Sunday school, badminton, and Sunday and mid-week worship. Everyone is welcome!
West Dunbartonshire Community Foodshare
We deliver emergency food parcels to anyone affected by poverty and food insecurity across West Dunbartonshire. We are open Tuesday to Friday , anyone in need can call 01389 764135 between 10am and 3pm, we deliver the next working day.
2nd Clydebank Boys Brigade
Our Church is home to 2nd Clydebank Boys Brigade which offers Anchor Boys, Junior & Company Sections. The Company is very well supported by both the congregation and parents and plays an integral part in the Church Remembrance Service. Meets Tuesday evening.
Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
Our church has a long association with Guiding in Clydebank and continues to host flourishing Brownie and Rainbow Units. Rainbows & Brownies are running with maximum numbers. Meets Thursday evening.